Time & Location
08 May 2020, 3:00 pm
About The Event
Although we aren’t able to meet kānohi ki te kānohi, or over a cuppa tea at Te Haukāinga, the Taki Rua whānau want to show that we’re still here to tautoko you. That is why on Friday 8th of May we are hosting a Drop-in Kōrero Session over Zoom between 3-5pm.
An important part of this session is providing advice and guidance to you, our artists, in applying for the support grants available, including the Creative New Zealand Emergency Relief and Arts Continuity Grants available and the WINZ NZ Govt Support Package. We are also opening this time to just have a check-in kōrero, and help bounce off ideas together to support our Māori and wider arts community in these unprecedented times.
Zoom Meeting Details
Topic: Taki Rua - Support Drop-in Kōrero Time: May 8, 2020 03:00 PM Auckland, Wellington
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84152754656?pwd=bFZxcGM2MjM0NXB3aXBINFhwWkEwZz09
Meeting ID: 841 5275 4656 Password: 874684