Taki Rua has produced many beautiful waiata and musical performances in their productions. This waiata space will highlight some of the waiata that was produced digitally for online listening. Areare taringa mai!

Tirotiro Tawhiti
From the 2021 Te Reo Māori Season production of Pourakahua, written by Jeffrey Addison and produced by Maaka Phat. Tirotiro Tawhiti is performed in the Kāi Tahu mita and has a positive and feel good energy.
Performed by:
Written by:
Produced by:
Amanda Noblett, Mapihi Kelland,
Ngahiriwa Rauhina, Shania Bailey-Edmonds
Jeffrey Addison
Maaka Phat
Whakarongo / Listen Here:

From the 2020 Te Reo Māori Season production of Ngā Manu Rōreka, written by Apirana Taylor and translated by Materoa Haenga, Tātou is an uplifting waiata that encourages tamariki and rangatahi to strive for their goals.
Performed by:
Written by:
Produced by:
Amanda Noblett, Hosea Tuita'alili,
Mapihi Kelland, Ngahiriwa Rauhina
Apirana Taylor, Maaka Phat, Materoa Haenga
Maaka Phat
Whakarongo / Listen Here: